Posts Tagged ‘Grab’

The Weekly Soccer Referee Blog – Volume 16 Issue 14 – Wait, What?

April 6, 2024

The Weekly Soccer Referee Blog

Sharpening Referee Knowledge and Judgment, One Week at a Time

Volume 16, Issue 14 – April 7, 2024

Please forward this Blog to your fellow soccer officials or tell them about it.  This is one of the tools we can use to keep sharp during the year.

The purpose of this Blog is so we can all learn from each other’s experience and by doing so, avoid mistakes, make more consistent calls, and do a better job. I don’t have to make any of this up – this is what happens on the pitch.

Quote of the Week:

“Coach, will your players be legally and properly equipped at the start of the match?  Is it okay for the home team’s trainer to treat your players if there is an injury?  Is this a conference or non-conference game?  Where is your AED?  Are there any medical conditions we should be aware of?”

From a referee, following the rules.  I’m amazed we don’t have to ask them how they are feeling today.

This Week’s Question – Wait, What?

On a recent Game between two IHSA Teams

The score is lopsided, and Team A is frustrated by that.

You see A22 standing in the Team B Penalty Area, next to Goalkeeper B00.

As A1 is bringing the ball forward, you see A1 pass the ball to A43, who is even with B3 who is the second to last defender.

However, as you look over, you see A22 grab B00 by the arm and hold him, as A43 turns to shoot the ball.

You Make the Call:

What is the call?

What is the restart?

Last Week’s Question: – Check, Check, Ack!

On a recent Game between two IHSA Teams

The game is progressing well, with the score a bit uneven, but not heading towards mercy.

You see B14 who is a significant playmaker making a play on the ball.  As you see B14 move, you catch a sparkle in the area of her ear.

Looking harder at her next turn as she moves the ball forward, you see an ear ring.

You Make the Call:

What is the Call?

What is the Restart?

What You Said:

Referee 1:

Wait until the next stoppage, remove the player to get the item removed, and caution the coach, provided this is the first instance. Restart is the same.

Referee 2:

As far as illegal equipment like earrings, I usually wait until I can get close enough to confirm, then on lower level matches, I have the player hustle to the bench for correction, either while play is away from proximity, or during a regular stoppage in play. I also announce prior to start of match the opportunity for me to hold real diamonds for safe keeping. chuckle chuckle….

For Varsity, nope, Yellow Card will be issued. By this time the players and coaches should know better. I do try to keep my correspondence with the IHSA to a minimum.

Referee 3:

It’s been a while since I reff’ed IHSA, but back then we didn’t do the equipment check. Instead, we asked the coach if all players were properly equipped. Then if there was a player who was not legally equipped, the coach received the caution.

So, assuming this has not changed, I would wait for the next break in play. Blow my whistle and ask B14 to join you by the coach. Explain the caution to both, and make sure B14 removes her ear ring.

The restart stays as it was originally – nothing changes the Restart. B14 goes off until the next substitution opportunity, and a replacement may be brought in if the team desires or they can play short, and the other team may substitute due to the stoppage.

Referee 4:

Not being familiar with IHSA rules, I am going to handle this from an IFAB angle.

At the next stoppage in play, I would send the player to the side, telling her she could not reenter with the earring or any other jewelry on.  If the coach wants a sub, I would allow it depending on the rules of the competition.  Restart would be according to the stoppage.

The Answer:

This is pretty simple.  Did you ask the coaches at the start of the game if their players were legally and properly equipped?  Yes.

In this case since this is High School we stop play, ask the player “What’s that in your ear?”  Watch realization dawn, send them to the sideline, and then caution the coach for the illegal player equipment.

In USSF and NCAA space, you send the player off to correct the equipment without other sanctions other than losing possession.

NFHS asked if we should eliminate the first Caution for going to the coach for Illegal Equipment.  I voted that it should be eliminated, and just go the player.  Hopefully, enough of us voted that way so we can change the law back to the way it was.

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